All American Horse Insurance
Best Darn Horse Insurance In The U.S.A.!
Horse Insurance isn't all we do! Check out our additional insurance products!
Things To Keep In Mind:
When gelding a stallion, please allow a 10-day notice.
Except for foals, horses date of birth is considered January 1 of the birth year.
Horses age 15 years and up will have higher rates.
Insured Broodmares coverage does not include unborn or new foals. Foals need their own policy if coverage is desired. Foals must be 24 hours old to insure.
All horses with halter bloodlines must be disclosed and will be rated accordingly, including foals. All prior health problems must be disclosed, and may be excluded from coverage. Please complete a health condition form for any prior health conditions. (Including hypp status: QH, Appy, Paint). The underwriting company will make the final decision on any exclusions. Any accident, sickness, or disease occurring during the policy period may be considered pre-existing and excluded for the next policy period, per carrier’s evaluation. Each policy stands alone from year to year.
Equine Mortality Coverage
What Is Mortality Coverage?
The equine mortality policy will cover death as a result of injury, illness, humane destruction, and transportation anywhere in the continental U.S.A. and Canada. This also includes theft. Some of our carriers automatically include coverage for Emergency Colic Surgery. Optional coverage includes the following: Major Medical/ Surgical, Stallion Infertility, Loss of Use, Third Party Liability, and Transit coverage (shipping to/ from another country). Most European countries are okay.
We also offer a basic policy that covers death as a result of an accident only, (no accident or disease) coverage.
Ask us which carrier has the best rates for your needs.
Can I Insure My Horse For More Than Purchased Price?
Horses will be insured for current market value. Newly acquired horses will be insured for purchase price only. As the horse is trained, shown or competed successfully, or at policy renewal, we will consider value substantion to increase the insured amount. ½ of training costs will usually be allowed towards value. Self-training is allowed. Shipping costs within the USA does not count towards value. Horses that are Internationally imported may be allowed some of the shipping cost towards value. Keep your bill of sale, stud fees, show records, etc. handy. You may be asked to provide these items in the event of a claim. You will need to complete a value substantion/justification of value form to request an increase of insured value.
How Can I Purchase Mortality Coverage?
To obtain a mortality policy, please submit a mortality application from our equine mortality applications page. In some cases, a vet certificate or other forms are required by Insurance Carriers. If you are unsure which carrier you would like to use, click on the "Request Mortality Quote" button below to receive a quote and the best application for you.